How To Make Grouped Violinplot with ggplot2 in R?

Grouped Violin plot with ggplot2

In this tutorial, we will see examples of how to make grouped violinplots using ggplot2’s geom_violin() function. Violinplots are like boxplot for visualizing numerical distributions for multiple groups. In comparison to boxplot, Violin plot adds information about density of distributions to the plot. A grouped violin plot is great for visualizing multiple grouping variables. Let… Continue reading How To Make Grouped Violinplot with ggplot2 in R?

6 ggplot2 themes to make your plot look better

ggplot2 theme_bw() with basesize 16

ggplot2 themes offer a great ways to change the look of a plot easily. ggplot2’s theme() function lets you control all aspects of the themes in general. However, ggplot2 has multiple built in themes that are ready to use. In tutorial, we will see examples of 6 ggplot2 themes that are available as part of… Continue reading 6 ggplot2 themes to make your plot look better

How To Place Legend Inside the Plot with ggplot2?

Customizing Legend Inside Scatter Plot ggplot2

By default, when we make a plot with legend using ggplot2, it places the legend outside of the plot on the right side. Sometimes one might want to place the legend inside the plot. One of the advantages of placing it inside is that we may gain additional space for the plot. In this post,… Continue reading How To Place Legend Inside the Plot with ggplot2?

How To Add Labels to Grouped Barplot with Bars Side-By-Side in R?

Customizing Labels on Bars in Side by side Stacked Barplot

In this post we will learn how to add labels to bars on barplot that is stacked side-by-side. We will start with making side-by-side grouped barplot and work our way through adding annotation on top of each bar of the stacked barplot. Adding annotation to grouped barplot with side-by-side bars is similar to annotating bars… Continue reading How To Add Labels to Grouped Barplot with Bars Side-By-Side in R?

How To Connect Paired Points with Lines in Scatterplot in ggplot2?

Scatter plot with Paired points Connected by Arrow ggplot2

Scatter plots are a great way to visualize the trend between two quantitative variables. Sometimes, you may have paired quantitative variables and would like to see the how the pairs are related. For example you may have two quantitative variables corresponding to two different time points and would like to connect the paired data points… Continue reading How To Connect Paired Points with Lines in Scatterplot in ggplot2?

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