In this post we will learn how to add labels to bars on barplot that is stacked side-by-side. We will start with making side-by-side grouped barplot and work our way through adding annotation on top of each bar of the stacked barplot. Adding annotation to grouped barplot with side-by-side bars is similar to annotating bars… Continue reading How To Add Labels to Grouped Barplot with Bars Side-By-Side in R?
Tag: barplot
How to Annotate Bars in Grouped Barplot in Python?
In this post we will learn examples of adding text, annotating bars in grouped barplot using matplotlib. We will first see how to make grouped barplots using Seaborn’s barplot() function and then use Matplotlib to add annotations to the grouped bars. The way to add annotation to grouped barplot is very similar to the way… Continue reading How to Annotate Bars in Grouped Barplot in Python?
How to Add Labels Over Each Bar in Barplot in R?
Adding text annotations over a barplot can be useful in quickly conveying the core message of a plot. In this post, we will see example of how to add text labels or text annotations over each bar in barplot. Barplot is great way to visualize numerical values corresponding to categorical variables. The height of the… Continue reading How to Add Labels Over Each Bar in Barplot in R?
How to Make Countplot or barplot with Seaborn Catplot?
Sometimes you might want to make countplot or barplots in Python, but the data may not in the right format. For example, you might want to make countplot/barplot of the number of things corresponding to multiple categorical variables. However, the data may in the form such that you have compute the counts per category. Seaborn’s… Continue reading How to Make Countplot or barplot with Seaborn Catplot?
How To Order Bars in Barplot using Seaborn in Python?
Barplots are great to visualize a quantitative value corresponding to categorical variables. Often it is more meaningful to make barplot sorted by the quantitative value corresponding to the bars. In this post, we will see examples of making barplot using Seaborn and sorting the bars of barplot. Let us load the packages needed to make… Continue reading How To Order Bars in Barplot using Seaborn in Python?