How to add P-value to each facet in ggplot2

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add p-value to each facet plot made with facet_wrap() function in ggplot2. We will use scatter plot example, where we have multiple scatter plots using facet_wrap and we have done linear regression analysis to find the statisitical significance of the association. Here we will show with how… Continue reading How to add P-value to each facet in ggplot2

How to Move Facet strip label to the bottom

In this tutorial, we will learn how to move the strip label title text in ggplot2’s facet* functions to the bottom. By default, facet_wrap() creates a box for each strip with a label at the top of the small multiple plot. In this post, we will show how to move the strip label to the… Continue reading How to Move Facet strip label to the bottom

How To Customize Border in facet in ggplot2

Remove Space Between Panels in Facet

ggplot2’s facet options are a great way make small multiples, i.e. multiple plots of the same type in a panel or grid. In this post, we will learn how to control the border line in a plot made with facet_wrap() function in ggplot2. First we will see how to remove the border lines in a… Continue reading How To Customize Border in facet in ggplot2

How To Remove facet_wrap Title Box in ggplot2?

Remove title box in facet_wrap() in ggplot2

In this tutorial, we will see how to remove box surrounding title of each facets made with facet_wrap() function in ggplot2. Let us load tidyverse and set ggplot2 theme_bw() with base size 16. Let us use Palmer penguin dataset to make plots with facets using facet_wrap() in ggplot2. We ill use the palmerpenguins package to… Continue reading How To Remove facet_wrap Title Box in ggplot2?

How To Change facet_wrap() Box Color in ggplot2?

facet_wrap() example with white box

Facetting is a great way to show relationship between more than two variables. When you have three variables, with faceting one can splot a single plot into smaller plots with subset of data corresponding to the third variable. In ggplot2, we can easily make facetted plot using facet_wrap() function. When you use facet_wrap() in ggplot2,… Continue reading How To Change facet_wrap() Box Color in ggplot2?

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