Seaborn, one of the Python data visualisation libraries had a huge update with Seaborn version 0.12.0 in September 2022. A really exciting development is new API for grammar of graphics like ggplot2. The introduction of seaborn.objects interface is the new API Taking inspiration from Wilkinson’s grammar of graphics — and its implementation in libraries such… Continue reading Histogram Tutorial with Seaborn Grammar of Graphics API
How to add color to axis tick labels: Hint – element_markdown() in ggtext
In this tutorial, we will learn about a nice ggplot2 trick/tip that enables colored text on axis tick labels. Thanks to new theme element element_markdown() in ggtext, R package developed by Claus Wilke, we can add colors to axis text labels. To get started, let us load the packages needed. Here we use ggtext version… Continue reading How to add color to axis tick labels: Hint – element_markdown() in ggtext
Correlation Heatmap wiht Corrr
In this post, we will learn how to make a simle correlation heatmap of numerical variables in a dataframe using Corrr R package. The R package Corrr starting from version 0.4.4 has a autoplot() function enables you to make simple correllation heatmap in addition to correlation dotplot and network plot. Thanks to Emil Hvitfeldt’s tweet… Continue reading Correlation Heatmap wiht Corrr
How to wrap really long facet label in R
In this tutorial, we will learn how to wrap a really long labels in a facet plot made with ggplot2 using facet_wrap(). When the facet labels are too long, the label text gets cuts off. Here we will learn how can we fold or wrap the long facet labels into multiple lines so that the… Continue reading How to wrap really long facet label in R
How to make stacked barplot with percent on x/y axis
In this post we will see how to make a stacked barplot showing percentage on its axis instead of count or proportion. We can make stacked barplot with count or proportion directly using geom_bar() function in ggplot2. Then we will use scales R package to add percentage on the axis instead of proportion. Let us… Continue reading How to make stacked barplot with percent on x/y axis