In this post, we will learn how to make a scatterplot with marginal boxplots using Seaborn in Python. To make a scatterplot we will use some of Seaborn’s powerful but not very well known functionalities. More specifically, we will use Seaborn’s JointGrid() to set up the plot features and then add two layers of plots.… Continue reading How To Make Scatterplot with marginal boxplots with Seaborn ?
How to Make Boxplot with a Line Connecting Mean Values in R?
In this post, we will learn how to draw a line connecting the mean (or median) values in a boxplot in R using ggplot2. Connecting mean or median values in each group i.e. each box in boxplot can help easily see the pattern across different groups. The basic idea in making a boxplot with a… Continue reading How to Make Boxplot with a Line Connecting Mean Values in R?
How to Add Labels to Select Points with ggrepel?
In this post, we will see how to add labels or annotations to select data points such that the labels don’t overlap with each other. We will use the R package ggrepel together with ggplot to add labels without overlaps. More specifically we will use geom_text_repel() function from ggrepel to add annotations to data points.… Continue reading How to Add Labels to Select Points with ggrepel?
How to reorder barplots with facetting with ggplot2 in R?
Reordering bars in barplot either in ascending or descending order can help quickly see how the groups/categories vary. When you have a thrid variable, adding facet to the barplot can be very useful. In this tutorial, we will see how to reorder bars in barplot with facetting by a thrid variable using ggplot2 in R.… Continue reading How to reorder barplots with facetting with ggplot2 in R?
6 Tips to Make Beautiful Tables with R Package gt
Making tables as part of your data visualization strategy can be a hit or miss. For example, a table with too many numbers screams for a plot instead of a table. Basically, challenge lies in using tables at the right time in right way. Luckily, we are in a much better position to make beautiful… Continue reading 6 Tips to Make Beautiful Tables with R Package gt