How To Make Boxplots with Seaborn in Python?

Boxplot with Catplot Seaborn Python

Boxplot is a way to visualize quantitative/numeric variable, in a concise way using quartiles of a data distribution. Here, we will see examples of making simple boxplots using Seaborn in Python. Let us first load packages needed for making boxplot. We will use weather data from Seattle from vega-dataset. We will directly load the data… Continue reading How To Make Boxplots with Seaborn in Python?

How to Make Violin Plot with Seaborn in Python?

Violin plot with Seaborn

Violin plots are great way visualize continuous data distributions from multiple groups or categories. Violin plots are a lot like boxplot. Basically Violin plot is combination of boxplot and density plot. The shape of the density resembles a violin’s shape. Violinplot quickly shows the summary level stats of a numerical variable with multiple groups. In… Continue reading How to Make Violin Plot with Seaborn in Python?

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