Simple Scatter Plot with Altair in Python

Simple Scatter Plot with Altair in Python
Simple Scatter Plot with Altair in Python

In this post, we will see an example of making a simple scatter plot using Altair 4.0.0. Altair is one latest interactive data visualization library in Python. Altair is based vega and Vega-lite – A Grammar of Interactive Graphics.

import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data

Let us load Seattle weather data from vega_datasets

seattle_weather = data.seattle_weather()

        date  precipitation  temp_max  temp_min  wind  weather
0 2012-01-01            0.0      12.8       5.0   4.7  drizzle
1 2012-01-02           10.9      10.6       2.8   4.5     rain
2 2012-01-03            0.8      11.7       7.2   2.3     rain

Let us make scatter plot with Altair. We first use Chart() function in Altair to provide the data and chain it with mark_point() function to make scatter plot. We then provide the aesthetics x and y axis to encode() function.


As a result, we get a simple scatter plot between the two variables provided to the encode() function.

Simple Scatter Plot with Altair in Python

We can save the Altair chart as html. Let us first store the Altair object in variable.

scatter_plot = alt.Chart(seattle_weather).mark_point().encode(

Altair’s save function can same the scatter plot as html file. The saved html file offers option to save as png file with other options.'simple_scatter_plot_with_altairchart.html')
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