ggplot2 error: Cannot use `` with a single argument.

In this post, we will learn how to fix one of the common ggplot2 error messages. While trying to make a ggplot2, we might get the following error. The error message here ” Did you accidentally put + on a new line?” is bit helpful as it hints what is the cause of the error.… Continue reading ggplot2 error: Cannot use `` with a single argument.

How to Make Heatmap with Matplotlib in Python

Change Heatmap Color Palette in Matplotlib using cmap argument

In this post, we will learn how to make heatmap with Matplotlib in Python. In Matplotlib, we can make heatmap with the function imshow(). imshow() basically shows the input data as image. We will start making a simple heatmap with a one-liner using imshow() first. And then show couple of simple customizations by adding axis… Continue reading How to Make Heatmap with Matplotlib in Python

Error in ggplot(): Mapping should be created with `aes()`

How to fix ggplot2 error: Mapping should be created with aes

In this post we will see an example of one of most common errors while making a plot with ggplot2 and how to fix them. Let us we are trying to make a scatter plot using ggplot2 using the following code. Here we use mtcars dataset built-in R to make the scatter plot If we… Continue reading Error in ggplot(): Mapping should be created with `aes()`

ggplot2 errot: how to fix could not find function “ggplot

How to fix Error in ggplot(., aes... could not find function ggplot

In this post we will learn how to fix one of the most common ggplot2 errors, saying “could not find function “ggplot”” Let us consider an example where we are trying to make boxplot using iris, one of the R built-in datasets. We have been extra careful and write a perfect R code as show… Continue reading ggplot2 errot: how to fix could not find function “ggplot

How to Make Grouped Violinplot with jittered data points in R

Grouped violin plot with jittered points using geom_sina() in ggforce

In this post, we will learn how to make grouped violin plot with jittered data points on top of it using ggplot2 in R. One of the challenges in making grouped violin or box plots with jittered data points is proper alignment of data points and the underlying plot. In an earlier tutorial, we addressed… Continue reading How to Make Grouped Violinplot with jittered data points in R

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